Parent Handbook Template
As a dayhome professional, having a parent handbook is essential. This document helps to ensure clear communication between yourself and the parents, as well as reduce potential disagreements by clearly outlining your policies and procedures. A parent handbook is also a valuable legal document that can protect your business in the event of any disputes or issues.
Not sure what to include in your parent handbook? We’ll get you started! The template already has 45 policies and procedures written out for you. Keep the ones needed for your dayhome then update the highlighted information. Since it is a fully editable template, easily change any of the information to better fit your specific program.
➤ 22 pages of written for you policies and procedures
➤ Covers 45 topics like: Backup Care, Hours, Daily Schedule, Nap Time, Meals, Late Pickups, Late Payments, Termination, Vacations, Illness, Toilet Training, Guidance, Medication and much more.
1) Download the pdf
2) Open the link inside with a free Google account
3) Make a copy of the Google doc
4) Start making it your own!
Check out our tutorial for more information!