
You’ve found your perfect dayhome – now what? In this section you’ll learn all about transition and what to expect in your first few weeks at dayhome.

· August 21, 2023

As you start care at your new dayhome there will be a challenging period that dayhome providers often call “transition”. This phase is completely normal for children as they adjust to a new care provider and the environment – but there are some things you can do to help make it easier for everyone involved.

Transitioning to a new dayhome is no walk in the park. This is a huge change for your little one and your family and it can feel very challenging in the first few weeks. There might even be a period of time when you feel you made a bad choice and that your little one just doesn’t seem to be adjusting. 

But how can you tell the difference between a normal transition period and a wrong fit? Read on in this section to learn all about transition and what you can expect – plus we’ll talk about what to look for to determine if the dayhome you’ve chosen may not be the right fit for your family.

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Meal Planner

Do you currently make meal plans?

Safety Checklist

Do you already have a safety checklist for your dayhome?

Parent Guide

How much do you know about dayhomes in Alberta?

Child Care Cheat Sheet

How confident are you in knowing what to look for in a dayhome?

Dayhome Guide

Where are you at in your dayhome journey?

Parent Handbook Checklist

Do you have a Parent Handbook for your dayhome?

Dayhome Guide

Where are you at in your dayhome journey?

Mental Health Action Plan

Do you have a mental health action plan?

Authorized Pickup

Do you already have an authorized pickup form?

Incident Report

Do you already have an incident report form?

Illness Notice

Do you already have an illness notice form?

Medication Administration

Do you already have a medication administration form?

Attendance Record

Do you keep a daily attendance?

Evacuation Map

Do you already have an evacuation map for your dayhome?

Emergency Records

Do you have emergency records for your dayhome?

Fire Drill Record

Do you have a fire drill record for your dayhome?

First Aid Checklist

Are you creating a first aid kit or refilling an existing one?

Burnout Guide

Are you currently experiencing burnout?