Free PD

Explore Targeted Free PD for Dayhome Providers

We offer free PD to Alberta Dayhome Professionals each month! Register early and we’ll send you reminder emails to make sure you don’t forget! Some of our Free PD Sessions are approved for Release Time Funding for Approved Family Dayhomes.

Upcoming Free PD Sessions

April 16 - Managing Routines, Behaviours, and Expectations for Dayhomes

Managing Routines, Behaviours, and Expectations is a practical session for dayhome providers focused on creating smoother routines and managing challenging behaviors. Learn to set clear expectations and use your physical environment to promote positive behavior, independence, and a sense of security.

April 29 - The Importance of Early Intervention

This introductory session will highlight the critical role of early intervention in supporting child development and why it matters in home-based childcare settings. Dayhome providers will gain a foundational understanding of how identifying and addressing developmental concerns early can lead to better outcomes for children and families.

May 8 - Maximizing Observations with Canva

Maximizing Observations with Canva is an insightful session focused on enhancing your dayhome practice through effective observations. Learn how to track children’s development and behaviours while using Canva to creatively showcase their progress to parents and families.

June 10 - Playing with Learning for Dayhomes

Playing with Learning for Dayhomes is a hands-on session that highlights the vital role of play in early childhood development. Discover practical strategies to support essential play skills and create engaging activities that promote cognitive, social, and emotional growth in young children.

July 9 - Intellidance® Demonstration for Dayhomes

Experience IntelliDance® for Dayhomes is an interactive demo showcasing how movement and music activities can transform early childhood learning. Discover how this program supports children’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development while keeping them active and having fun—perfect for dayhome providers seeking to add dynamic elements to their programming.

Previous Free PD Sessions

September - Parent Handbook Workshop

Join Danielle Bourdin, Executive Director of ADSN, for a workshop on drafting a strong Parent Handbook for your dayhome. You’ll gain the tools and insights to outline clear policies and procedures that protect your business and enhance communication with parents.

October - Fire Safety - Create a Fire Safety Plan

Join us for our Fire Safety Webinar in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week 2024, designed specifically for dayhome providers. You’ll learn about fire code responsibilities, creating an Emergency Preparedness Plan, and teaching fire safety to children. 

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November - Prevent It! Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Training

Roughly 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men in Canada experience sexual abuse before the age of 18, highlighting the importance of awareness for dayhome providers who spend significant time with children. Prevent It! Child Sexual Abuse Awareness training empowers adults with skills and strategies to reduce children’s vulnerability to abuse and improve communication with their own children to spot potential red flags.

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November - Supporting Emotional Regulation

Join us for Supporting Emotional Regulation, presented by a registered psychotherapist, to learn practical strategies for helping children manage their emotions. Gain expert tools to foster resilience, self-regulation, and positive behaviour in your dayhome.

December - Mastering Mixed Age Groups

Mastering Mixed Age Groups is a hands-on workshop led by Tina Geers from Inspired Minds, tailored for dayhome providers. Learn how to implement engaging programming that promotes learning and play for children of all ages in your dayhome.

January - Finding the Magic in Out of School Care Programming

Finding the Magic in Out of School Care is a dynamic session designed to help dayhome providers implement engaging programming for school-age children. Learn practical strategies to keep older kids active, entertained, and challenged with activities that foster social connections and personal growth.

February - Navigating Grief and Loss for Dayhomes

Join us for a Grief and Loss Workshop specifically for dayhome providers, led by Charlie Webb, a seasoned therapist with over 15 years of experience. Gain compassionate strategies and practical tools to navigate grief, support children through loss, and create a resilient environment for everyone in your care.

March - Combat Burnout

This session takes a holistic approach to burnout prevention and mental wellness for dayhome providers, offering practical strategies for self-care, stress management, and boundary setting. Attendees will gain valuable insights into fostering resilience in both their personal and professional lives, helping them maintain a sustainable and fulfilling career in early childhood care.

March - Speechified - Learn Language Boosting Skills for Dayhomes

ADSN is excited to partner with Sarah Mosaico for another FREE SPEECHIFIED session, focusing on practical strategies to boost language skill development in young people. This 1.5-hour workshop offers powerful “SPEECHified skills” and includes FREE one-on-one coaching for attendees to receive personalized feedback on their implementation.

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ADSN is here to help!

Alberta’s Dayhome Support Network (ADSN) is dedicated to empowering dayhome providers by offering resources, training, and a supportive community tailored to their unique needs. Whether you’re a private or licensed dayhome provider, we’re here to help you succeed through monthly networking events, practical templates, professional development workshops, and more. Create a free ADSN account to discover how we can support you in delivering the highest quality care for the children and families you serve.

Meal Planner

Do you currently make meal plans?

Safety Checklist

Do you already have a safety checklist for your dayhome?

Parent Guide

How much do you know about dayhomes in Alberta?

Child Care Cheat Sheet

How confident are you in knowing what to look for in a dayhome?

Dayhome Guide

Where are you at in your dayhome journey?

Parent Handbook Checklist

Do you have a Parent Handbook for your dayhome?

Dayhome Guide

Where are you at in your dayhome journey?

Mental Health Action Plan

Do you have a mental health action plan?

Authorized Pickup

Do you already have an authorized pickup form?

Incident Report

Do you already have an incident report form?

Illness Notice

Do you already have an illness notice form?

Medication Administration

Do you already have a medication administration form?

Attendance Record

Do you keep a daily attendance?

Evacuation Map

Do you already have an evacuation map for your dayhome?

Emergency Records

Do you have emergency records for your dayhome?

Fire Drill Record

Do you have a fire drill record for your dayhome?

First Aid Checklist

Are you creating a first aid kit or refilling an existing one?

Burnout Guide

Are you currently experiencing burnout?