Dayhome Insurance with Klondike Insurance

Catch the replay of our Dayhome Insurance info session with Klondike Insurance.

· June 26, 2023

Do you have adequate dayhome insurance to cover you and your dayhome children in the event of an accident? Do you understand your insurance policy and the coverage that it provides?

In this session replay, Nam from Klondike Insurance goes over the in’s and out’s of dayhome insurance and what you should be looking for in a dayhome policy.

Nam provides some helpful questions to ask yourself, or your broker, to help ensure you have a robust and adequate dayhome insurance policy.

  • In this session Nam talks about:
  • General Liability
  • 3rd Party Property Damage
  • 3rd Party Bodily Injury
  • Pools & Trampolines
  • Pets
  • And more!

Nam also discusses the ADSN PDC Group Policy which is a basic general liability policy for an incredible price! This policy can be built on for providers who require more coverage.

Contact Nam to discuss your unique insurance needs.

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  • 1 Lesson
  • 3 Topics


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